3 UMMA Objects
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A girl with her arms streached to the side playing the flute. Her body is faced foreward while her head is in profile. Her hair is highlighted with white, brown, and blue stands, and red, blue, and white columns of dots. In her hair is a blue, green, red, brown, yellow, and white butterfly. She is wearing a long-sleeved brown shirt with orange, white, and brown curvy patterns. There is also an outline of a butterfly against the brown background.
Nakayama Tadashi
Furuto o fuku shojo (Girl Playing the Flute)
Gift of Sheila and Ronnie Cresswell
A gold/brown snuff bottle with patterned holes throughout the bottle. In the middle of the snuff bottle is an image of a man playing a flute. At the top is a black snuff bottle.
Chinese (Chinese (culture or style))
Pottery snuff bottle with image of a man playing a flute
1825 – 1900
Gift of Mr. Robert W. Coggan
A girl with her arms streached to the side playing the flute. Her hair is highlighted with white and gold stands, her face is bordered with gold curls. She is wearing a long-sleeved white shirt with orange, yellow, and brown curvy patterns. Surrounding her are white and yellow lillies without stems.
Nakayama Tadashi
Furuto o fuko shojo (Girl and Flute)
Gift of Sheila and Ronnie Cresswell